ELTO: The Employers’ Liability Tracing Office and Database

It may take many years for employees to become aware of injuries or illnesses suffered at work. Insurance policies may change, or employees may move on to new positions at different companies before the ailment manifests.
The Employers’ Liability Tracing Office (ELTO) is an independent body formed by the insurance industry in order to compile information on employers’ liability insurance policies. The ELTO was formed with the goal of making it easier for claimants and other parties to track down necessary information pertinent to their claims, find the relevant insurer and potentially make a successful claim.
Employers’ Liability Database
Information regarding employers’ liability policies is entered into the Employers’ Liability Database (ELD).
This central database includes all new and renewed policies since the submission of policy information became mandatory 1st April 2012. The ELD’s purpose is to make it easier for claimants, lawyers, employers, insurers and brokers to find the necessary information regarding specific claims. Prior to the inception of the ELD, this information often had to be traced using only insurers’ own policy records.
The database’s search results are not proof of insurance or liability, and the ELTO is not a compensatory body. The ELD is intended to provide information that will aid parties in taking further steps in their claims with the appropriate insurers.
What Businesses Should Know
Employers’ liability cover is legally required for most businesses. This type of insurance helps employers in the event that they must provide compensation for a work-related injury or illness suffered by an employee.
As it pertains to the ELTO, employers are required to provide two pieces of additional information to their insurer that will be entered into the ELD.
When first registering as an employer, you will be assigned a unique Employer Reference Number (ERN) by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This number must be provided to your insurer and is often referred to as your PAYE reference. Your ERN is usually made up of a 3-digit HMRC office number, followed by a unique reference number that may consist of both letters and numbers. If you are not sure what your ERN is, it will be on most correspondence you receive from HMRC, as well as any P60s and P45s issued to your employees.
In addition to your company’s ERN, you will also have to submit information regarding any subsidiary companies or other employers that are covered by your employers’ liability policy, including their registered addresses and ERNs. This information is required due to insurance often being registered to the parent company. It is possible that a future claimant who worked for a subsidiary will not know the name of the parent company.
Once submitted, this information will be entered into the ELD, although employers should note that their organisation’s unique ERNs are not able to be viewed by the public. In addition, they are not collected by insurers or brokers for tax purposes. The information is only used to help match an inquiry regarding a claim. If you do not provide the necessary information, your insurer will not be able to continue insuring your organisation.
The Directors of the ELTO are required to provide an annual statement to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) that states compliance with all material aspects of FCA requirements.
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