Insurance Green Cards Still Required for Driving in EU

Insurance Green Cards are still required by UK drivers driving in the EU, until it is agreed otherwise; even for those driving from NI to ROI.
The latest update on the BIBA (British Insurance Brokers' Association) website states:
“The news of a trade deal with Europe does not remove the need for UK drivers to have a Green Card to travel in Europe after the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.
“The EU Commission has said that it cannot issue confirmation of the UK’s continuation in the green card free circulation area without a consultation, and that can only be done after 1 January 2021. It confirms that UK-based motorists will require green cards for travel in Europe until further notice.
“Unfortunately, whilst it is anticipated that the EU Commission are likely to agree to the UK remaining in the “green card free circulation area”, they are not prepared to confirm at this time”.
Contact the McGrady Insurance team today to discuss current insurance arrangements for your business trading in the EU in 2021.