Did someone mention Brexit?
Did Someone Mention Brexit?
We are in regular contact with insurers on the issue. Insurers have contingency plans in place in an effort to come up with a workable solution to address the possible need for a Green Card to be issued for every vehicle they insure in Northern Ireland prior to 29th March. There is an acceptance that all insurers will have some sort of an exposure to the 110 million crossings between NI and the ROI every year.
They are working through the practicalities of what a no deal Brexit may mean for insurers and how best to respond for all policyholders. The insurers who have communicated to us to date have stressed that there will be no change to policy cover regardless of what type of Brexit occurs, but in the event of a no deal Brexit, proof of insurance outside the UK (Green Card) will be a legal requirement.
As things stand today they will not be issuing Green Cards yet.
Further communications will follow in early course, however, should you have any queries in the interim please do not hesitate to contact us.